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Sure! Here's the documentation for the Text component:


The Text component is a flexible and customizable component for displaying text with various sizes, colors, weights, and styles. Below you will find detailed information about its props and how to use it.


tagkeyof JSX.IntrinsicElements'span'The HTML tag to be used for the text element.
sizeTextSizeTextSize.NormalThe size of the text, one of xlarge, large, normal, or small.
colorTextColorTextColor.PrimaryThe color of the text, one of primary, danger, success, warning, info, or muted.
childrenReact.ReactNodeRequiredThe content to be displayed inside the text element.
underlinebooleanfalseIf true, the text will be underlined.
italicsbooleanfalseIf true, the text will be italicized.
weightTextWeightTextWeight.NormalThe weight of the text, either normal or bold.

Example Usage

Basic Text

import React from 'react';
import { TextSize, TextColor, TextWeight, Text } from '@ginger-society/ginger-ui';

export const TextExample: React.FC = () => {
return (
<Text>Default Text</Text>
<Text size={TextSize.XLarge} color={TextColor.Danger} weight={TextWeight.Bold}>
Extra Large Bold Danger Text
<Text size={TextSize.Large} color={TextColor.Success} underline>
Large Underlined Success Text
<Text size={TextSize.Normal} color={TextColor.Warning} italics>
Normal Italicized Warning Text
<Text size={TextSize.Small} color={TextColor.Info}>
Small Info Text
<Text size={TextSize.Small} color={TextColor.Muted}>
Small Muted Text

In these examples, the Text component is used to display text with different sizes, colors, weights, and styles. The tag prop allows for customizing the HTML tag used for the text element, providing flexibility for various use cases.


Basic Text Example

Default TextExtra Large Bold Danger TextLarge Underlined Success TextNormal Italicized Warning TextSmall Info TextSmall Muted Text