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Snackbar Component

The Snackbar component is used to display brief messages to the user. It supports different durations and can optionally be cancellable with a close button. The component uses a context provider to manage multiple snackbar messages in a queue.


import React from 'react';
import { SnackbarProvider, SnackbarTimer, useSnackbar } from '@ginger-society/ginger-ui';

const MyComponent = () => {
const { show } = useSnackbar();

const handleShowSnackbar = (message, duration, cancellable) => {
show(<div>{message}</div>, duration, cancellable);

return (
<button onClick={() => handleShowSnackbar('Short message', SnackbarTimer.Short, false)}>
Show short Snackbar
<button onClick={() => handleShowSnackbar('Long message', SnackbarTimer.Long, true)}>
Show long cancellable Snackbar

const App = () => {
return (
<MyComponent />

export default App;

The following table explains the argument of the show function

componentReactNodeRepresents the content to display inside the Snackbar. It can be a string, JSX element, or a custom React component.
durationSnackbarTimerSpecifies the duration for which the Snackbar will be visible before automatically closing. Use values from SnackbarTimer enum.
cancellablebooleanOptional argument determining if the Snackbar can be manually closed by the user. true displays a close button; false auto-dismisses.
