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GingerUI is a react library. The components are based on Uber's BaseWeb design system.

Why ?

The web standards has come a long way. For example , we have many new components native to browsers like page transition , popper , dialog etc. Even the css has become mature and when used as SCSS module, you get a powerful coding pattern. Major UI libraries relies on fancy styling solution. BaseWeb is using Styletron , Material UI is using emotion. This library tries to be the most standard way of creating UI components for maximum portability.

All components are intended to support dark and light theme.


We will not be providing styling overrides. We recommend that you use this only for the Internal / Non customer facing apps. For example, you can use it for B2B SAAS apps.

For customer facing app, create your own components / use other libraries.

Github repo :

NPM link :


Uber, BaseWeb is a registered trademarks of Uber Inc

MaterialUI is a registered trademark of Alphabet Inc

Any other name used in this project are registered trademark of thier respective owners. If we missed to mention your name, please let us know and we will fix it right away