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Your first REST API

Let's create a simple hello world endpoint. This is going to be a health-check API. This can be used to check the service availability. This is actually not a necessary endpoint since later you will learn how this is achieved using Prometheus metric scraping. Don't worry for now.

from ginger.http import JsonResponse
from datetime import datetime

def health_check_view(request):
"""Health check view"""
now = # Get the current server time
return JsonResponse({"status": "ok", "server_time": now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S")})
from ginger.urls import path
from .views import health_check_view

urlpatterns = [
# Existing URL patterns...
# Add your new endpoint here:
path("health-check/", health_check_view, name="health-check"),

In the updated content:

  • The src/ file is now included with the endpoint health-check/ added to its URL patterns.
  • The view function health_check_view is imported from .views within the src directory.
  • The endpoint is named "health-check" using the name parameter in the path function.

Feel free to modify the code further as needed for your project structure and naming conventions.