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Ginger Scaffolder


This Rust-based tool allows users to clone GitHub repositories containing templates and customize them using a series of prompts. The tool leverages libraries like clap for command-line argument parsing, git2 for Git operations, tera for templating, and inquire for interactive prompts.


Ensure you have Rust and Cargo installed on your system. If not, you can install them from here.

cargo install --git

Build the project using Cargo:

ginger-scaffolder ginger-society/metadata-repo

Command-Line Arguments


Fetching Templates

The tool fetches available templates from the specified GitHub repository. The metadata file (__metadata__.json) should be located in the root of the repository.

Interactive Prompts

Based on the metadata, the tool provides interactive prompts to gather user inputs for various template parameters.

Cloning and Rendering Templates

After collecting user inputs, the tool clones the specified repository, processes the templates using the tera templating engine, and renders the files to the specified output directory.

Example Metadata File (metadata.json)

The metadata file defines the prompts and structure for the template. Here is an example:

"version": "1.0",
"prompts": [
"type": "string",
"field_key": "project_name",
"prompt": "Enter the project name:",
"default": "my_project",
"is_required": true
"type": "bool",
"field_key": "use_database",
"prompt": "Do you want to use a database?",
"default": "TRUE",
"is_required": false
"type": "enum",
"field_key": "database_type",
"prompt": "Select the database type:",
"enums": ["MySQL", "PostgreSQL", "SQLite"],
"default": "SQLite",
"is_required": true

Handling Binary and Text Files

The tool differentiates between binary and text files in the template repository. Text files are processed using the tera templating engine, while binary files are copied directly.

Error Handling

The tool includes error handling for various scenarios, such as invalid Git URLs, failed cloning operations, and failed file operations.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests on the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.